Actual Slaughter Under Federal Inspection
St. Joseph, MO    Thu Sep 17, 2020    USDA Market News Service

Actual Slaughter Under Federal Inspection

             Federally Inspected Slaughter By Species and Day - U.S.          
                      Week Ending Saturday, September 5, 2020
  Day        Cattle    Calves     Hogs      Sheep     Goats    Equine   Bison 1/
Monday         119,060   1,177     474,663    8,681     2,803       -        173
Tuesday        120,581   1,810     467,845    6,305     1,989       -        253
Wednesday      116,417   1,675     475,785    5,971     1,571       -        236
Thursday       118,700   1,054     480,028    7,553     1,868       -        202
Friday         116,727   1,598     452,609    5,923     2,081       -        251
Saturday        43,902      53     115,561    1,381        66       -          -
Total          635,387   7,367   2,466,491   35,814    10,378       -      1,115
%Steers        51.3    %Barrows & gilts      97.3    %Lambs & yearlings  93.1
%Heifers       28.8    %Sows                  2.5    %Mature sheep        6.9
%Cows          18.1    %Boars                 0.3                              
%Bulls          1.8                                                            
-  Represents zero.                                                             
1/ Bison are not covered under the Meat Inspection Act, and therefore do not req
   inspection.  Numbers refer to the amount killed in Federally Inspected plants 
   Inspected, and are not necessarily inspected.                                
              Meat Production, Live Weight and Dressed Weight - U.S.          
                      Week Ending  Saturday, September 5, 2020
   Production                     Species and class  Live weight  Dressed Weight
                    million pounds                        pounds         pounds 
Beef                     533.2     Cattle                 1,375           841   
                                   Steers                                 918   
                                   Heifers                                832   
                                   Cows                                   631   
                                   Bulls                                  889   
Calves and veal            1.1     Calves                   250           145   
Pork                     517.1     Hogs                     282           210   
                                   Barrows and gilts                      207   
                                   Sows                                   305   
                                   Boars                                  188   
Lamb and mutton            2.2     Sheep                    122            61   
                                   Mature sheep                            62   
                                   Lambs and yearlings                     61   
Total meat                                                                      
   production          1,053.6                                                  

  Federally Inspected Slaughter Head & Percentage by Class - U.S.
               Week Ending  Saturday, September 5, 2020
                                      Number of        Percent    
              Species                   head          of total    
Cattle                       Total      635,387                   
                            Steers      325,907         51.3      
                           Heifers      183,048         28.8      
                        Dairy cows       55,203          8.7      
                        Other cows       59,663          9.4      
                             Bulls       11,566          1.8      
Calves                       Total        7,367                   
Hogs                         Total    2,466,491                   
                 Barrows and gilts    2,399,072         97.3      
                              Sows       61,242          2.5      
                             Boars        6,177          0.3      
Sheep                        Total       35,814                   
                      Mature sheep        2,459          6.9      
               Lambs and yearlings       33,355         93.1      
               Federally Inspected Slaughter Cattle by Class - U.S.          
                        Week Ending  Saturday, September 5, 2020
                                  Number of head slaughtered                    
 Day                            Steers & heifers                  Dairy & other 
  of                                 as % of       Dairy   Other     as % of    
 week          Steers  Heifers       cattle        cows    cows       cattle    
Monday         60,374   35,803        80.8         8,752  11,563       17.1     
Tuesday        61,224   34,673        79.5        10,858  11,471       18.5     
Wednesday      56,807   34,292        78.3        11,278  11,842       19.9     
Thursday       63,239   31,180        79.5        11,044  11,094       18.7     
Friday         60,639   32,825        80.1        11,096  10,149       18.2     
Saturday       23,624   14,275        86.3         2,175   3,544       13.0     
Total         325,907  183,048        80.1        55,203  59,663       18.1     

Source:  USDA Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News, St Joseph, MO
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