Dry Whole Milk - National

     Dry Whole Milk - U.S.

     Report 39 - Released on September 24, 2020

     Nationwide, dry whole milk free on board spot prices are unchanged this week. The production
     of dry whole milk continues to be sporadic, mainly determined by contractual needs. Some
     industry stakeholders have been busy finalizing contractual business for Q4. Some
     processors suggest that dry whole milk output will improve throughout Q4 as more volumes of
     milk/cream are expected to be balanced. So far, requests from bakers and dry mix processors
     are hearty and anticipated to improve ahead of the upcoming year-end holidays.

     Prices for: U.S., All First Sales, F.O.B., Conventional, and Edible Dry Whole Milk
     Price Range  - 26% Butterfat; $/LB:                    1.6500 - 1.7500

     Information for the period September 21 - 25, 2020, issued weekly

     Published by:
     Dairy Market News - Madison, WI
     ANGEL TERAN-RAMOS, 6084228593
     Email: angel.teran@usda.gov

     Additional Dairy Market News Information:
     Dairy Market News (DMN) by Phone: (608)422-8602
     DMN Website: https://www.ams.usda.gov/market-news/dairy
     DMN MARS (My Market News): https://mymarketnews.ams.usda.gov