Friday May 14th Special All Holstein & Dairy Cross Feeder Cattle Sale

Results from the Special Back to Grass Roundup Holstein/ Angus Cross Feeder Cattle Sale Friday May 14th..

Here this past Friday we had a nice run of cattle selling 811 head on a market that was  steady to mostly lower due to another spike in the grain prices with Cattle Feeders adjusting their pencils accordingly..
The demand for the high quality,  properly handled cattle remains good.  
The next Special Back to Grass Holstein/ Angus Cross Feeder Cattle Sale will be Friday May 28th starting time 9am sharp. 
This will be our last Special Roundup Sale of the season and will return to our summer schedule through the months of June/ July/August selling both Holstein and Beef Cattle the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month starting time 9am sharp selling Holsteins first followed by the beef. 
Thanks again to all Buyers/ Sellers alike who came together for another really nice sale. 
Here's the report..
Fancy Holstein Steers 
225-350# $100-$132
375-450# $90-$110
475-550# $90-$105
575-650# $90- $105
675-750# $85-$95
775-850# $85-$90
Improperly Handled/ Excessively Thin/ Lower Quality Holsteins Less
Fancy Angus Cross Steers
325-550# $110-$120
575-650# $110-$115
675-850# $105-$110
Fancy Angus Cross Heifers 
350-550#  $100-$113
575-725# $90-$105 
750-1000# $84-$100
Improperly Handled/ Excessively Thin/ Lower Quality Angus Cross Steers/ Heifers Less